How To Target Food Intolerances With The Pinner Test

These days it seems like any illness or heath condition you can think of can somehow be traced back to the gut. Whether or not it's actually true is another story.
Once you open up the conversation and start saying things like "the gut is the root of all disease", you'll inevitably cover such territory as leaky gut syndrome, intestinal permeability, irritable bowel syndrome, autoimmune disorder, food allergies, food sensitivities, and of course, food intolerance.
Striving to maintain optimal gut health is incredibly important, but with so many people eschewing common foods or whole food groups from their diets these days, you might think food intolerance is on the rise.
While it's true that a percentage of the population does have a hard time digesting gluten, and some people certainly don't tolerate dairy very well, the number you think of in your head versus the actual prevalence of these sensitivities probably don't align.
The point is, it's nearly impossible to link the symptom you're having to the food you just ate.
If you think bread is a problem food for you, it could be gluten, it could be an entirely different protein altogether, or it might not even the bread in the first place.
We rarely eat foods in isolation, and unless you've tested yourself, trying to accurately identify your problem foods is taking a stab in the dark, hoping you arrived at the right conclusion.
Thankfully, nobody has to rely on guesswork anymore when it comes to scientifically evaluating how your body responds to the food you eat.Â
Uncover Your Food Intolerance With One Simple Test
On today's guest we sit down with Ferit Rahvanci, the co-founder of Pinnertest, a company that helps you identify any foods you may be intolerant to with a simple at-home kit.Â
Just a few years ago you would have to take several vials of blood and a schedule a lab visit to test for food intolerances, but now? Now with a tiny prick of the finger and two drops of blood, you can definitively identify all of the foods you might be intolerant to.
Ferit talks all about the technology behind the Pinner Test, why we might be intolerant to certain foods in the first place, and how food intolerance is related to overall gut health and immune function.Â
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Questions Asked In This Episode:
What do you look at in the blood to make food intolerance determinations?
What is the relationship between weight loss and food intolerance?
Are food intolerances brought on by overconsumption of "trigger foods" over the course of a lifetime?
Food intolerance, sensitivity, and allergy... what's the difference? Do food intolerances last the rest of our lives?
 Do digestive enzymes help alleviate food intolerances?
In This Episode, You Will Learn:
- The difference between food intolerance and a food allergy
- How enzyme deficiencies create food intolerances
- The difference between antibodies IGG and IGE, what ELISA testing is, and why it's the best way to target food a food intolerance
- How our bodies make "weapons" to attack proteins we cannot digest
- The relationship between food choices and weight loss - and why we give up on "diets"
- Serotonin's link to carbohydrate cravings and happiness
- Why many European countries are providing food intolerance test for free - and restaurants are asking diners about their test results
- The #1 cause of leaky gut syndrome
- How removing trigger foods can reduce inflammation and associated symptoms (especially joint pain)
- The role of digestive enzymes in food intolerances
- Ferit's top 3 tips to #LiveOptimalÂ
Links & Resources:
- Order the Pinner Test Kit (SAVE $60 with code = OPP)
- More information about the Pinner Test
- Pinner Test on Instagram