Mind Pump Media on Optimal Performance Podcast

Mind Pump Media meets Optimal Performance Podcast for an epic slice of "podcasting magic".
Who is Mind Pump Media?
MindPump is an online radio show/podcast that has been described as Howard Stern meets fitness. It is sometimes raw, sometimes shocking and is always entertaining and informative.
The hosts, Sal Di Stefano, Adam Schafer and Justin Andrews have over 40 years of combined fitness experience as personal trainers, club managers, IFBB fitness competitors and fitness thought leaders.
The fitness world is filled with charlatans and snake oil salesmen pushing the latest and greatest (and sometimes downright dangerous) workout programs, supplements and faux science on the unsuspecting masses. Sal, Adam and Justin use MindPump as a platform to shed the light of TRUTH on health, fitness and a host of other topics.Â
Today, Ryan and the Mind Pump Team combine the Mind Pump Podcast with the OPP for one epic podcast episode.
Show Notes:
- Guys talk podcasting (3:00-5:00)
- Social media/technology and its impact on your life (28:35)
- Brand/audience
- Authentic
- Feel obligated to post something
- Pornography
- Implants in humans / Wearables
- News media
- What’s trending on social
- Fitness on social
- Ryan talks fitness education and the way he learned his information (37:30)
- Always ask questions
- Wanting to understand new systems
- What the Health
- Bias/dogmas in the fitness industry
- Distribution problem
- How do you filter out the right information to your audience? (53:00)
- Pre-workout supplements
- Check yourself consistently
- Be open minded
- Seek out the opposite point of view
- Shattering their paradigms
- Guys talk lack of movement in American culture (1:12:00)
- Frequency vs intensity
- Blue Zones
- Strength training
- Lack of connection to your body
- Avoiding the hard work
- Return on investment (ROI)
- Doing the least amount of work to get the best benefits
- Why do we want to suffer? (1:33:00)
- Poor relationship with exercise
- With themselves
- Ryan did Seal Fit
- Taking gear
- Guys talk gyms (1:52:00)
- Revenue does not equal profit
- 24 Hour Fitness
- Ryan worked at Gold’s Gym
- Barbell Shrugged
- Focus on community and their members
- Orange Theory
- Fitbit
- Current trends and their impact (1:56:45)
- Float tanks
- Meditation
- Brain.fm
- Over stimulation
Watch here (or on YouTube)
Listen here:
Links & Resources:
- Mind Pump Media website -Â https://www.mindpumpmedia.com/
- @naturalstacks - Instagram, Twitter, Facebook
- Ryan Munsey (website) - http://ryanmunsey.com/
- @ryanmunsey_ – Instagram
- Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked – Adam Alter (book) - http://amzn.to/2v4BvFF
- Erectile Dysfunction and Teenagers (study) – http://edguidance.com/erectile-dysfunction-and-teenagers/
- OPP podcast Ep. 115 – 5 Research-Backed Methods To Instantly Increase Happiness
- Cowspiracy (documentary) – http://www.cowspiracy.com/
- Ryan's response to Cowspiracy:Â https://www.naturalstacks.com/blogs/news/77840453-cowspiracy-documentary-climate-change-and-sustainability
- Food waste remains persistent problem at farms, grocery stores and restaurants (article) - http://californiawatch.org/health-and-welfare/food-waste-remains-persistent-problem-farms-grocery-stores-and-restaurants
- Body by Science: A Research Based Program for Strength Training, Body building, and Complete Fitness in 12 Minutes a Week (NTC Sports/Fitness) – John Little/Doug McGuff (book) - http://amzn.to/2u1owrC
- Blue Zones – https://bluezones.com/
- OPP Podcast  Ep. 107 – Biohacker Summit Hot Seats – Leading Experts Share Best Advice, Biohacking Tips, and Tools for Optimization
- Rise of the Sufferfests (documentary - http://riseofthesufferfests.com/
- The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles – Steven Pressfield (book) - http://amzn.to/2u2DaPp
- Do the Work: Overcome Resistance and Get Out of Your Own Way – Steven Pressfield (book) - http://amzn.to/2sJOiwH
- THE DECLINE OF NEWSPAPERS AND THE RISE OF DIGITAL MEDIA (pdf) - https://reutersinstitute.politics.ox.ac.uk/sites/default/files/Local%20Journalism%20-%20the%20decline%20of%20newspapers%20and%20the%20rise%20of%20digital%20media_0.pdf
People Mentioned
- Steve Jobs
- John Oliver
- Dom D’Agustino
- Dr. Andreo Spina
- Arthur Jones – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_Jones_(inventor)
- Dr. Justin Brink
- Tiger Woods
- Ray Wilson - https://www.lifefitness.com/blog/posts/life-fitness-legends-ray-wilson
- Steven Pressfield - http://www.stevenpressfield.com/