The Vaccine Debate: Vaccines, Autism, and the Vaxxed Documentary

The vaccine debate may be the most polarizing topic in the medical community today.
The first ten seconds of this podcast recording proved that to me as the Director of Public Health at Yale, Dr. David Katz refused to debate the issue.
His statement: by engaging in such a debate "the scientist fosters the false notion of equivalence between someone with actual content knowledge based on years of study, and someone who simply believes what they prefer to believe"
The Vaccine Debate
Let me make this clear from the start, for me, it's not about being anti-vaccine. It's about truth, science, and seeking the safest, healthiest way to move forward.
Unfortunately, the modern medical orthdoxy, including the CDC and pharmaceutical companies are making the path to pure scientific discovery murky.
The original plan for this episode of the OPP was a debate showcasing opinions and evidence from both sides of the aisle between Dr. David Katz, Director of Public Health at Yale and Dr. Jack Wolfson, known as the Paleo Cardiologist and a previous guest on the OPP.
Dr. Katz is outspoken in favor of vaccines and has written compelling pro-vaccine articles, citing what he calls "Epidemiology over Ideology" as a major argument for vaccines.
Dr. Wolfson has been equally outspoken against vaccines as you'll hear on the show.
The debate never materialized as Dr. Katz refused to "pretend that there is a legitimate debate" and excused himself from the recording.
As the Director of Yale's Public Health Program - a position likely funded by the medical orthodoxy - I understand Dr. Katz's reluctance to be seen entertaining the question that vaccines may be unsafe.
But I also see this a huge red flag. As I told Dr. Katz in a follow up email, the eagerness of the anti-vaccine contingent to talk is matched only by the stonewalling of the pro-vaccine side.
When the entire medical industry, CDC, and pharmaceutical companies refuse to disclose 100% of their information to Congress, it's unlikely I'll get them to be 100% transparent with me. (As you'll hear in the podcast, a CDC scientist has confessed to data tampering and documents being destroyed).
If there is nothing to hide, why can't we have an open, honest conversation. That's the question I'm left pondering.
Since the recording, Dr. Katz sent this response via email:
"Ryan - there is a prevailing tendency in our culture to presume that someone with whom you disagree must be ignorant and uninformed. I encounter it routinely.
Ok, Ryan again...
I am undecided in my personal opinion on vaccines as I don't feel like I have all the information. Before taking a stance one way or the other, I want to be confident that I have seen all the facts - and I can't say that I have done that (not for lack of pursuit of said information).
My intention was - and is - to gather as much information as possible and to simultaneously share that discovery with you so that we can all make informed, intelligent decisions.Â
What I will say is that something about this issue doesn't sit well with me. There is too much smoke, and too much posturing for the ultimate answer to be "nothing to see here". We're not getting the full story...
Listen to the full interview here:
See the video here:
Links & Resources
Dr. David Katz on Huffing Post
Research to Ponder:
- Measles and Mumps reduce risk of atherosclerosis
- Shingles (herpes zoster) increases Stroke risk
- Chickenpox and 3-fold increase in Stroke
- 138 papers linking vaccines and autism
CDC Whistle Blower File Release
Interesting story: Robert DeNiro (father of an autistic child) planned to show Vaxxed at his 2016 Tribeca Film Festival but changed his mind at the last minute. "He’s been taught a lesson. Don’t go up against the medical cartel. Keep your mouth shut. Suffer in silence." See more here or watch DeNiro's appearance on NBC's Today Show (Go to 2:13)
Anti-Vaccine Activist Susanne Humphries