
Cell Phones, Brain Cancer and Public Health with Katie Singer

Cell Phones, Brain Cancer and Public Health with Katie Singer

20 minutes of cell phone usage breaks the double-strands of our DNA.

If our body's repair systems cant keep up with these breaks, cancer and birth defects can result. [1]

Using a digital cell phone as a teenager or younger increases brain cancer risk by 420%. [2]

These are just a few of the startling statistics published in well respected, peer reviewed journals (like the International Journal of Oncology) that I found when I began investigating the safety of cell phone usage.

What surprised me most was not that I could find data to support the claims of cells phones causing cancer.

The biggest surprise was the volume of science-backed data that calls into question the safety of cell phones and other electronic devices.

I kept digging and kept asking questions.

Why aren't these studies more widely circulated?

Why aren't communication companies and the government doing more to prevent these public health concerns?

Are cell phones and other electronics as safe as we think they are?

You're not going to like the answers…

Me: “Sounds like the government is making up laws to facilitate technology at the cost of human and biological ?

Katie: "Exactly right"

Meet Katie Singer

Katie Singer is the author of An Electronic Silent Spring and she serves as a consultant for the Electromagnetic Radiation Policy (EMRP) Institute, a 20-year-old watchdog group.

I was connected to Katie by Joel Moskowitz, the director of UC Berkeley's School of Public Health. (Joel declined my OPP invite due to the unique status of his position and to maintain neutrality/diplomacy in academia.)

Our goal with this post and this podcast is simply to inform you.

Both Katie and I want you to be armed with the full spectrum of knowledge regarding electronics, technology, and the policies that

“It’s about being informed and making an educated decision for yourself”

Listen to the Optimal Performance Podcast on-the-go:



What You’ll Learn on the OPP with Katie Singer:

  • How did the FCC determine that cell phones are safe?
  • The creation of the FCC and the definition of interference
  • Phones were only tested for immediate thermal effect - not long term exposure for thermal and non-thermal effects
  • What you need to know about the 1996 Telecommunications Act: Section 704
  • Establishing “safe” levels of S.A.R.s (Specific Absorption Rates) - the amount of power (wattage) transmitted to 1 kilogram of human tissue
  • Our government re-classifies our outer-ear as an “extremity” to increase the SAR phones can transmit
  • What our government knew in 1996 - from studies in the 60's and 70's on radiation exposure (linked below)
  • How cell phones and electronics impact our DNA and alter voltage-gated calcium channels in our cells
  • The alarming cancer cluster at San Diego State University
  • The 2012 Cell Phone Right To Know Act that did not get enacted by Congress and why we should not expect the government to intervene on behalf of our health
  • Tons of tips from Katie oh how we can reduce our own exposure and mitigate risk
  • Why Katie unplugs her refrigerator every night and why EMF filters may not be as beneficial as we've been told (more at the link in resources below)
  • Warnings about the future of 5G, millimeter wave technology, and "The Internet of Things"
  • Where you can find more of Katie's work
  • Katie Singer's Top 3 Tips to #LiveOptimal

[Audio version]

Links and Resources:

Katie's Website: An Electronic Silent Spring

Katie's Book: An Electronic Silent Spring

1996 Telecommunications Act (Look for Article 704)

2013: FCC Reclassified Outer Ear

Om Ghandi and his published papers


Microwaves in the Cold War: US Embassy in Moscow Radiation Study

Safer EMR from UC Berkley's School Of Public Health

Environmental Health Trust Website

International Hot List

Cell Phones Cause Cancer Video

Give Me a Megaphone: The story of SDSU's cancer cluster

2012 Proposed Cell Phone Right To Know Act (Did not pass)

The corded phone Katie uses = Panasonic Advanced ITS with a speakerphone

To get your phone to signal you that it is time to check messages:

  1. Keep it in airplane mode.
  2. Set the phone's alarm feature to go off at (say) noon, 2pm, 4pm, etc. everyday.
  3. Each device might have slightly different ways of doing this.

Prevention Magazine 

The Internet of Things

5G is Coming

July 2017 - Congress Leasing of 5G

  • 2.5gHz = microwave
  • mm wave tech exposure for human = 11g - 100gHz...won’t penetrate

Search Results for "effects of millimeter wave exposure"

Gary Olhoeft

Air Force Research on millimeter wave exposure

Katie's Intro Pack on EMF Filters

Antenna Search in Your Area


  1. Neuroscience Letters
  2. International Journal of Oncology
  3. An Electronic Silent Spring

Keep the conversation going. Let's hear your thoughts and reactions in the comments below.

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