Healthy Wine: Skip The Hangover with Dry Farm Wines

What if we could enjoy an alcoholic beverage without negatively impacting our health and fitness goals?
With Dry Farm Wines, we can do just that!
Meet Dry Farm Wines
The Paleo, biohacking, and ketogenic spaces are buzzing on - and about - Todd White's Dry Farm Wines.
Everyone from Dave Asprey and Mark Sisson, to Abel James and Joe Rogan are talking about Dry Farm Wines - the only "health quantified wine club in the world".
These wines are:
- Low in alcohol <12.5%
- Are Sugar and Carb Free <1g/L
- Low in Sulfites <75ppm
- Are Mycotoxin Mold Free (Lab-Tested)
- Doesn't disrupt sleep
- Are Bio-Certified Pure, Organic, Dry-farmed and free of all chemicals and additives
All of this means YOU can enjoy great-tasting wines with no headaches, no hangovers, and no negative impact on your blood sugar, insulin or health pursuits. Sugar, No Carbs, No Chemical Additives, and No Impact on Ketosis
It turns out wine CAN be sugar-free, hangover-free, and this episode of the Optimal Performance Podcast is going to show you how you can "have your cake and it eat it too" - or have your wine and drink it too as the case may be here.
These healthy wines from Dry Farm Wines can be part of health and fitness plan without sabotaging your progress.
Case in point, our guest, Todd White is a huge proponent of the ketogenic diet. In fact, he's been in ketosis for over 2 years - despite drinking (on average) a bottle of wine a night.
The point - wine without chemicals does not result in headaches, hangovers, or kick you out of ketosis.
"99% of wines are commercial factory products, and contain poisonous farming manipulations."
How is this possible?
It starts with the farming process. In this podcast, Todd explains how dry-farming - growing grapes without irrigation - produces a fruit with a different sugar content.
Todd also explains the rest of the process, from fermentation to processing and how each step is crucial in producing a finished product that is sugar-free and also free of the 76 additives allowed by the US government.
Dry Farm Wines is NOT a vineyard. Rather, Todd and his team do the screening - and ridiculous amounts of testing - for us.
Through this vetting process, they're working with only 300-500 wine farm (out of more than 300,000 around the world) to source only organic, dry-farmed, naturally produced wines with low alcohol, zero additives, and zero sugar.
Todd and Dry Farm Wines only source wines with ZERO of these additives.
So you get to enjoy the health benefits, euphoria, and social norms of great wine without the downside.
Enjoy this amazing and entertaining episode of the OPP for a fascinating lesson on wine, alcohol, biohacking, FDA policy and more from Todd.
***Disclaimer: Natural Stacks is not promoting daily alcohol consumption. We know that many of our followers enjoy the occasional adult beverage, so we wish to provide you with the healthiest, safest, most natural choice to imbibe. Alcohol should be enjoyed responsibly, and only by those of legal drinking age.**
What You'll Learn From Todd White at Dry Farm Wines on the OPP:
- What is a "health quantified wine merchant"?
- Dry Farm Wines = Paleo-friendly & "biohacked wines"
- Neurological and biological impact of alcohol on our behavior, creativity, health, socialization
- How the wine industry has fought to keep nutrition information OFF the bottles and other scary FDA regulations on wine labeling... including the 76 "approved additives" that you should be avoiding
- Tweet: "Wine is the only food on the planet that you have no f$%^ing idea what's in it!" - @dryfarmwines on the @naturalstacks OPP #56
- Alcohol and ketosis
- How farming methods impact fruits (grapes) and subsequent wine production
- The difference between natural and commercial wine processing (hint: chemicals)
- How can these wines actually have zero carbs and zero sugar?
- Mycotoxin testing and acceptable levels for both wine and coffee
- What are sulfites?
- Where you can find Todd & Dry Farm Wines
- Todd's Top 3 Tips to #LiveOptimal
Dry Farm Wines on Social Media
Natural Stacks Natural Protein
More on the Dry Farm Wines testing procedures
More on "natural" wine standards
FDA Approved Wine Additives List
Sapiens, the book by Yuval Noah Harari
We want to hear your thoughts...keep the conversation going in the comments below.