Resprana: Revolutionizing Personal Air Pollution Filters

Sophie Frank and Resprana want to remind the world that health and fitness are about so much more than diet and exercise.
Sunlight, air, water, electricity and magnetism all play vital roles in optimal human health and performance.
Resprana is focusing on the air we breathe, since air pollution kills 7 million people every year - including 2 people every minute in India alone. In fact, the air quality is so bad in Delhi, India, that a single day of exposure is equivalent to smoking two packs of cigarettes.
It's not just India - cities like New York, Los Angeles, London and Paris are approaching dangerous levels, while cities like Beijing and Delhi are "crazy bad" and "off the charts".
Meet Sophie Frank, CEO of Resprana
Resprana is revolutionizing personal air filtration and changing the way the world breathes with a new approach to fighting air pollution.Â
With their innovative design on wearable air filters (WAF), Resprana seeks to offer all the protection of a mask (if not more) - without the mask.
As you'll hear from Resprana CEO Sophie Frank, air pollution is something we should all pay more attention to. "We're not opting into this behavior, it's presented to us because of the world's situation."
Sophie also notes that when the Air Quality Index (AQI) was created, the scale was 0-500. Cities like Beijing, China and Delhi, India routinely measure AQI's well above the top end of that scale.
As I write this, the current AQI in Mexico City is 868. Click here for a real-time AQI score in almost every corner of the world. In the screen shot below, notice the prevalence of yellow (moderate), orange (unhealthy) and red (hazardous) flags around the world.
Resprana says you don't have to ruin your fashion sense with a 3M dust mask. Their personal WAF are revolutionizing the function and fashion of beautiful breathing.
What You'll Hear From Sophie Frank CEO of Resprana on OPP #141
- 7 million die a year from effects of air pollution; 2 people every minute
- Environment matters
- City wide pollution
- It's not just urban areas - forest fires, earthquakes, and volcanoes affect air quality
- Spending one day on New Delhi same as smoking 2 packs of cigarettes
- When does Sophie wear protection herself in certain cities, and how does she decide?
- Correlation of exposure to pollution to cancer?
- Resprana next fashion accessory, while decreasing exposure to pollution
- Serve the need of the larger populations and increasing distribution through strategic partnerships with the corporate and hotel industries
- Using 3D printers to better the distribution
- Phase 2: Customizing and enhancing product as piece of jewelry - something users are proud to wear
- Sophie's Top 3 Tips to #LiveOptimal
- Resprana Website
- Social Media: Twitter | Instagram | Sophie Frank on LinkedIn
- – Will add to list when product is available for purchase and newsÂ
- ScoughÂ
- For non-smokers, Delhi's toxic air equivalent to smoking a pack of cigarettes, will lead to cancer in a monthÂ
- CDC - Air Quality - Particle PollutionÂ
- On Scale of 0 to 500, Beijing’s Air Quality Tops ‘Crazy Bad’ at 755Â
- Smog levels in Beijing off the charts Â
- World Health Organization: WHOÂ
- Nose Breathing Has Many Benefits Over Mouth Respiration Â
- EPA's AQI (Air Quality Index) Database
- Air Now's AQI Database